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killikhive · 1 year ago
tumblr user killikhive unsurprisingly having many thoughts about killks and killik ecology
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dellamortethelesser · 1 month ago
I'm interested in your thoughts on Illario as the First Talon. Do you think he'd hate the position at first or he'd slot right into it as a natural? Do you think he wants the position just because Lucanis is going to have it or he actually wants it because he thinks he'd be good at it? Always interested in thoughts on him from people who also love him as a character! Especially since Wigmaker gave us so much of him, but so little too.
Illario and Lucanis are both presented to us in the Wigmaker Job as very capable assassins for very different reasons; Illario is charming, cunning, and diplomatic, meaning that he can talk his way in and out of most every situation and has an innate understanding of the politics of a situation, particularly of the Crows. Lucanis is quick on his feet, adaptive, and the more talented fighter, meaning that when it comes to an actual killing, he's going to get the job done.
I don't think Illario would be bad at the role of First Talon--in fact, I agree with the general consensus that he would be good at it, maybe even excel. I think his own evaluation of his own capabilities are accurate and that he has the drive and edge to lead the Crows as an assassin's guild. I don't think he's motivated solely by the fact that Lucanis is going to have it.
It's less about Lucanis 'having' the role of First Talon and more so about the fact that it's being GIVEN to him. It's not really about Lucanis at all in that sense, it's about the oversight from Caterina. It is obvious to everyone that Lucanis is the favorite pick for the role, including Lucanis, and Lucanis doesn't want it. But he won't tell Caterina that, and even if he doesn't say it, he does show it--and Caterina ignores it. A lack of willingness to consider Illario from either of them is what really pushes some of that ambition; when no one considers you, YOU must consider you.
I don't think he'd hate the position; I think he'd do well! I think he would hate what he would have to do to GET the position. We see that in Veilguard; to get what he thinks he wants he has to abandon what he has, and it nearly kills him. Lucanis and Illario and Caterina are all that the other has; Illario grieves that Lucanis didn't die and was tortured, Lucanis can't bring himself to kill Illario only maybe imprison him, and Caterina absolves the responsibility of deciding his fate onto Lucanis.
It would be a lonely outcome for Illario but I do think he meant it in the Wigmaker Job when he tells Lucanis that if he were First Talon, he wouldn't have to do "this" anymore; the Crows, the politicking. Maybe Lucanis would be free to do that whole freedom-fighter hero thing he's always trying to emulate. But they're both under Caterina's thumb, and until she's gone, we won't know.
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miralines · 6 months ago
the thing about Rose is that she isn't just someone who voted for the "leopards eating people's faces" party who then got her face eaten. She was one of the leopards who was eating faces. She was actively upholding and spreading it. and then she got her face eaten
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onboardsorasora · 5 months ago
My dash is very sad right now and I get it, it feels like the end. But please understand and appreciate that I do not share the sentiments that this is 'it'.
This is allllll too very fishy and weird and the more I think about it, the more i step away from the emotion of it all. The more I'm sticking to my guns that this isn't over.
This is entirely the media's fault.
They kept badgering him while he was mentally and physically exhausted. If he kept hearing it over and over- we can't blame him for starting to believe it.
Anyhoo. I hope he has a lovely break at home, fills his cup and lets his team deal with holding RBR/VCARB responsible for this shit storm. And when he comes to work in COTA I hope he's tanned and happy and doing the most.
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hysterical-random-things · 2 years ago
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Soundwave Superior Back when I decided I wanted to get back into drawing transformers and interacting with the fandom, I decided to start off with attempting Soundwave. Now that it's been a bit over a year since then, I figured i'd be fun to do a redraw of the piece and compare how I'd draw it now :> Comparison under the cut
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months ago
no context snippet for a "SY is SJ" au i thought of at 1am last night, because i am a firm believer of the "amnesia doesnt erase your trauma it just erases the context of it" agenda.
(although in SY's case he DID kinda forget that trauma.. at first. it's coming back to him. the system gave him a grace period. there that's my excuse)
crossposted on ao3 too in case anyone wants to read it there instead
Shen Qingqiu is painting again.
He's found himself doing that a lot lately, now that he's out of seclusion and Binghe is in the bamboo house, squirreled away into the side room where the Head Disciple should be. Painting is, of course, a logical course of action for a peak lord to do! Especially one such as himself, the Peak Lord of Qing Jing, which was basically the peak of the creative arts.
But— well, he wasn't expecting to find himself liking it so much. Or doing it so often. Painting in the style of the time period is a lot easier to learn than he expected, and it gets him B-points for in-character actions! Who knew the Original Goods was such an artist of the time? He had such an evocative way with his brush, he should know — he's found some of his works!
(They were tucked away like a dirty secret in the back of his closet, locked away in a qiankun chest that Shen Qingqiu found the key to far too easily. He’ll admit to being a little disappointed in the Original Goods’ predictability — a false bottom in the vanity, really? Anyone could find that!) 
This brought him to his next issue; he was getting headaches, and he thinks, perhaps, just a little, that the Original Goods' thoughts and feelings were bleeding into him. Just a tad! And he was certain it was the Original Goods too, because— because, well…
He keeps flinching. You know how you’re walking down a public but otherwise empty hallway, and turn the corner and nearly run right into someone, and your heart jumps three spaces to the left and back? Subconsciously you knew there was a chance you were going to see someone, but their sudden appearance still startles you? 
Yeah, that. He keeps experiencing it with Binghe. He about jumps right out of his skin whenever Binghe emerges from the side room or the kitchen, even though he knows his disciple is there! And he knows it’s not a habit from his old world, because Shen Qingqiu lived with three other siblings in the house, and always knew to expect someone to be right around the corner. 
And he knows, especially so, that it’s not a habit from his old world, because along with the mini heart attacks that come with Binghe’s presence in the bamboo house, is the discomfort. A distinct yet indistinguishably vague feeling of unease that comes with sharing a living space with someone. The kind that makes his hackles rise like a particularly disgruntled and cornered street cat. 
Again, he grew up with three siblings! That could not be coming from him. It has to be an Original Goods feeling slipping in, and it was really getting in the way of things! How was he supposed to give Binghe a sense of belonging and a better upbringing if his presence in the bamboo house made him feel horribly exposed?
Some days, he just can't escape the gnawing feeling of dread in his chest when he returns to the bamboo house at the end of the day, knowing full well that it will soon be accompanied by someone else. Even if that someone was Binghe. 
That feeling of a lack of privacy makes his skin crawl and his shoulders lock up to his ears with every step. It was inconvenient; annoying. 
It was utterly unscientific, it was his house! And it was only Binghe, who, currently, is a harmless little white sheep! There was no darkened protagonist here, come to tear his limbs off. There was nothing to be so… tense about. 
It does nothing to stop the little swooping his heart does when he opens the door to, sometimes, Binghe already there, kneeling at the table like a dutiful disciple as always.
Oh, and that's not starting on his steadily increasing dislike of physical touch. It had to be something to do with the ludicrous amount of layers he wears and the modesty standards of the time period — and, also, of course, the Original Goods' own aversion to it.
He knows he's never felt so uncomfortable in another human being's presence before! Sure, he wasn’t the most social of people in his old world, but he still remembers being able to leave the house and be among the masses with relative ease. Here, though, was an entirely different story. His personal space bubble seemingly doubled, no, tripled in size, and it was irking him quite unhandily. 
The worst offenders were the Peak Lord meetings, it had to be. Navigating through the sea of disciples, cultivators, and visitors on Qiong Ding was a nightmare enough on its own — lessened only by the fact that said mountain occupants parted like the red sea when they saw him coming — but sitting in a secluded room with eleven other people, majority of whom still disliked him despite his turnaround? Awful.  
The proximity between him and his martial siblings isn’t even that bad, either. He has plenty of elbow room and in fact, would need to make an effort to reach out and physically touch anyone on either side of him. But, still!! Too close!! 
Shen Qingqiu made the conscious decision to sit as close to the door as his own comfort would allow, but not so close that he couldn’t see it — he tried that once. He doesn’t want to speak of the incident. The stress alone will give him heart palpitations. 
(He, pointedly, doesn’t want to think about the time he arrived at a Peak Lord meeting and found the Long Ning Shou Peak Lord sitting in His Chair either. Shen Qingqiu has never been particularly territorial about ‘assigned seating’ before, up until that moment. While he’s proud to say that he didn’t do anything to Chen Qingxuan for sitting in his spot, he’s mortified by how childishly petulant he felt about it for the rest of the meeting. He’s pretty sure everyone could sense his sour mood.)  
Why, just a few days ago he nearly bit a poor disciple's head off during martial lessons when they accidentally tumbled into him after a series of spectacularly fumbling footing. The child had been so horrified and apologetic that Shen Qingqiu remembered to reel himself back in time and merely scold them, rather than tear their skin right off with a tongue lashing.
But— enough about such stressful things! Shen Qingqiu was painting, and when he was painting, Binghe knew not to bother him, and to not let anyone do so either. Lest they all be dealt with a moderately grumpy Shizun. 
(His emotions may be as volatile as a hormonal boy lately, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t know how to keep them in check!! He still had a reputation to keep.)
His studio offered him a sense of privacy and solitary that not even his bedroom allowed him — for Binghe could knock on his bedroom door to alert him for whatever needed his attention, and while he could do the same to the studio, the fact remained; a Shizun interrupted during his precious studio time, did not, a happy Shizun make. 
There were silencing talismans painted into the walls — courtesy of the Original Goods — that Shen Qingqiu really quite appreciated. It allowed him the peace of mind to do things his face could not allow him outside of it— and that is, he got to muse aloud to himself, and hum songs from his old world that he couldn't anywhere else. Some songs that he still knew the lyrics to, he was happy to half-sing under his breath.
It had to be a form of meditation, it had to be! With how much peace and grounding it brought him, it couldn't be anything but a form of meditation.
Currently, he was just letting instincts lead his brush strokes while he hummed a melody from some myth musical he stumbled across a few weeks before he died. The songs had been so catchy that he had most of them all but memorized! He's tried repeating the instrumentals on his guqin and ruan with varying degrees of success.
Painting helped kill his migraines the most. As it stands, he’s had a killer one hammering at his skull since this morning. Bad enough to the point that he nearly snapped at poor Binghe during breakfast, and the child could all but sense the sour mood radiating off his master, and in turn had been silent and subdued until he left. 
Aish, that child… Shen Qingqiu hasn't quite quelled the guilt in him. Something about that awful subservience rankled him in a way he couldn’t explain, making him want to recoil and snap out at the same time. Something dark and deep in him had reared its head, wanting to reach over and shake Binghe for it. 
He'd been horrified by his own thoughts, and then locked himself in his studio for the rest of the day.
Even in death — or wherever the Original Goods was — he was still making things difficult! It was only natural that Binghe would go quiet and careful at the sight of Shen Qingqiu’s bad mood, he used to beat the boy at whim for imagined slights! He’ll have to reassure Binghe better that he wasn’t going to hurt him. 
Bah. He was supposed to be painting, not thinking about things that made his head pound worse or his mood dampen more! He didn't want to think about Luo Binghe right now — a surprise, even for him! — he wants to focus on the scent of ground ink and paints, and his own soft humming.
He blinks, once, twice, and focuses on the painting. It happens, like now, that he would zone out and paint entire landscapes, people, whatever, without realizing. It was always a guessing game of what he's made when he lets his mind wander. Some of things he painted were merely of Qing Jing, other times— 
— a burning red fire, encased on canvas, hangs off his eyelashes. And following it, the ensuing qi deviation he'd shoved off. —
Other times aren't worth mentioning.
He's painted a boy this time, a young one, with dark skin and even darker hair, and a smile that isn't quite right. There's a beauty mark right above the corner of his lip, artfully placed, as if it had been hand-placed by an expert craftsman. The boy's upper face remains unpainted, as if he’d been born without eyes. Yet, even without them, the boy looks completely serene and non-judgemental. Mn, no, perhaps more accurately he looks passive? Peaceful? 
Shen Qingqiu can feel his gaze, missing as it is, burning into him. He frowns immediately. His headache no less lessened, in fact— he thinks it's gotten worse. There’s a horrid familiarity about the boy in the painting, like a word poised on the tip of his tongue that he can’t quite place. "Don't look at me like that." He says aloud, bah, he hadn't meant to! But it’s not like there’s anyone to hear him. "Don't you know who I am?" 
En, no, it’s placating. That’s what it is. The boy is placating him. How unscientific! Unneeded; ridiculous. Why would he paint a boy trying to placate him? He was a scum villain, and a grown man!
The painting says nothing, as it ought to, it was only wet ink and dry parchment. Shen Qingqiu's ears burn anyways, and his eyes drop down to the smile on the boy's face. 
He finds that he deeply detests that smile on his face, it disgusts him. 
It disgusts him in the way only sheer incompetence can, a burn of irritation that bubbles up every time he saw an objectively wrong take in the PIDW comment section. As if he can't believe someone would look at him, a scum villain such as himself, and still be able to smile like that.
More than that, it's not right. That smile. It's— there's something wrong with it. Which can't be right, Shen Qingqiu hardly makes a mistake when he makes these trance-made paintings. But there is, he’s looking at it right here. He hates it. That awful smile. It's so— so… insincere. If you're going to smile at him, at least mean it, eh? Doesn't he deserve that much?
Long, slender fingers dip into the small wooden paint bowl beside him and lift back up, dripping wet ink onto the side table, and then onto the floor, across the last two layers of his robes that he always strips down to in here.
He reaches for the canvas to— to what? Smear that stupid smile off that boy's face? Mould it into his own image, back into place like the way it should be, paintbrush be damned? That wretched child, smiling at him like that. That smile is too straight, too perfect. It's mocking him.
Where is the tilt? The slant in it? That boy always smiled with an off-kilter turn of his lips, crooked, that made him real the same way blood in the mouth did, and now he's not, and it's wrong. He will wipe that smile off the boy's face himself if he must, if only to get him to wear anything else—
There is a knock on the door, gentle, hesitant. Only his cultivator hearing is what allows him to pick up on it. Shen Qingqiu's head pounds terribly at the sound. It makes a screeching sound go off in the back of his skull, like an abrupt kick to the teeth. His jaw clacks together on pure adrenaline as he regains the sense to not snarl wordlessly.
Didn't he say not to interrupt—?
His ink-stained fingers snap back, a gunshot recoil that sends splatters of ink flying and splatting coldly against his face. His nails dig painfully into the soft flesh of his palm, and Shen Qingqiu gathers himself back into his lofty cultivator persona with a single breath and a ramrod straightening of his spine. His ears ring horribly. "What." He calls, perhaps a little too coldly.
"Shizun?" Binghe says softly, and the sound of that child's voice is like a bucket of ice water dumped over his head. Recognition hits him, and the guilt crawls back in at his earlier irritation. "Forgive this one for interrupting, but Yue-shibo is here."
Shen Qingqiu is still staring at his painting, but the boy’s smile burns behind his eyelids like a fire. It takes half a beat for him to respond; "…Alright," he says, and stands up, "prepare some tea, Binghe. And use the ginger root this master owns, he has a terrible headache."
He walks around the stool, fingers still dripping black, and plucks his robes up from the chair he draped them over. His head still hurts, and there’s a peculiar ache in his heart. He takes his time putting his layers back on, vindictively tying each button and knot leisurely. 
Surely Yue Qingyuan has the patience to wait for this one after he so rudely arrived unannounced, hm?
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saturnsocoolioyep · 1 year ago
This is what I wrote in the feedback section for the new discord update:
I absolutely hate that the messages like group chats and DMs are in a different tab than servers now. there was absolutely nothing broken about the way that it was laid out and displayed before, so there's no reason to "fix" it!! I also am sorely missing the ability to swipe left to look at all members of a server, the having to click on the top feels clunky and visually unpleasant. I hate being taken to an entirely different screen just to see who's online! it's an entirely unnecessary extra step that helps no one. the idea of "prioritizing messaging" by putting private messages and group chats in a tab seperate from servers is completely asinine when discord as a whole is a messaging service in and of itself! also, it's a small aesthetic change but rounding the corners of the servers when swiping to look at the servers at the side is unnecessary and unwelcome and overall incredibly displeasing to look at. speaking of swiping, making it so swiping left creates a reply to a message is the most unnecessary, confusing, and almost MALICIOUS feeling change yet, especially when swiping left had an entirely different function before. please listen to your user base and stop making so many changes that absolutely NO ONE is actually asking for and actively make the user experience worse. you have a good app, it is not broken, stop trying to fix things that don't need to be changed because you've continually only made things worse.
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desultory-novice · 10 months ago
"Whoever said 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions' left a lot of stuff out..."
[Name:] Noir Fontaine "...It's pronounced 'fawn-tan'"
[Reference Image:]
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[[Tournament Asks Masterpost]]
[Notes on Personality:]
"My pronouns are he/some-kind -of-planet-invading hellspawn, I guess."
A kindhearted teen beneath the surface, growing up amidst humanity's depressive twilight hours on a hostile, frozen wasteland, plus a lifetime of tragedies no one his age should have to bear, has hardened Noir into a sarcastic, sassy little edgelord with a bitter tongue that's as sharp as his cursed sword, both of which he'll turn on anything he finds threatening with little provocation.
Noir's oodles and caboodles of twitchy paranoia combined with him having the approachability of a flea-ridden alley cat, makes breaking the thick ice to touch the heart of the scarred boy hiding beneath a task for only the most patient (or masochistic) of souls.
...And even then, he'll still sass you.
Likes: storytelling, games, the night sky, his siblings Dislikes: violence, crowds, touch, food, opening up
[Backstory and Lore:]
"...My life had way more talking plushies playing key roles than I'd have guessed."
Son of <L.D. Violet Level Access Only> and <L.D. Violet Level Access Only> Noir is a normal (?) human (?) teen from Shiver Star and Adeleine's older brother.
After the early death of his parents under very suspicious circumstances, Noir took over as sole guardian of his little sister, giving up the little-to-nothing he had to keep her safe and happy, including his own happiness, his health, and very nearly his sanity.
His preternaturally bad luck took a turn for the absolutely devastating when–while searching for a cheer-up gift for his little sister amongst some suspicious New World relics–he just so happened to acquire a psychic blade forged of Dark Matter.
As if it knew exactly who he was and exactly who he could go on to be, the Blade attached itself to him in a rather physical (:cough: and un-removable :cough:) manner and began slowly but surely corrupting him, body, mind, and soul.
Yet, he was able to use its destructive gifts to quietly rescue his sister Adeleine from Shiver Star's apocalyptic, dead-end environs and send her off into the endless possibilities waiting in the sea of stars, guaranteeing she, at least, would have a future.
The corruption devours him soon after.
In a 'verse close to that of the canon games, Noir loses his human body upon death along with (most) of his memories, and his captive soul is reforged by Zero as the eldritch entity's elite vanguard, a position which caused King Dedede to dub him "Blade."
In this form, the emotionless(?) Dark Matter drone would go on to adopt Gooey (in place of the sister he could not fully remember) and lead the invasion of Popstar for the collective, unaware it was the very planet Adeleine escaped to. She would not discover the one-eyed shadow monster was her brother till much, much later...
Noir dies a second time, in a duel against Popstar's hero, Kirby of the Stars, having remembered his human life too late to do anything about it. Noir would die for a third time after a disappointed Zero resurrects, tortures, and brainwashes him in order to force his participation in the second, penultimate invasion of Popstar.
Tragically, even after banishing Dark Matter from Popstar and destroying Zero, Noir's soul remains trapped in darkness.
...He would've liked to see his little sister and brother again...
In another 'verse, he and Adeleine swap fates and... :cough:
Favorite Dream Landers: Adeleine, Gooey, King Dedede, Kirby
[Notes on Potential (???) Interactions:]
If your OC has ANY ability to sense Dark Matter, is or ever was Dark Matter, or has a grudge against Dark Matter, Noir should set them off like a particularly obnoxious car alarm. He radiates Dark Matter energy, even when he's not doing anything.
If your OC is small, cute, and harmless (ie: reminds him of Adeleine or Gooey in any way) you may earn some begrudging care from the boy. He's got a terminal case of big-brother syndrome, after all.
If your OC has been through the horrors (and specifically NOT come out a better, healthier person for it) he will probably sympathize.
Address him as "Swordsman" and watch him twitch! It's fun!
For this event, Noir is visually in his "last days as a living human" form, ie: purple-black patches of corrupted flesh and veins and monster hands beneath his gloves.
He's below average height and weight for his age, but being an Earth-human like Adeleine (and taller than her) generally winds up taller than most average Dream Land-type residents
As far as physical appearance goes, Noir is still 16 (the age he died at) but he spent a sizable period of time as Dark Matter and his true mental/emotional age is difficult to calculate.
Outside of the powers he picked up from the sword (teleportation, darkness control, memory-based matter re-creation, etc) Noir, owing to his heritage, has some mild powers all of his own (pre-cognition, cross-dimensional sight, etc) though he is untrained in the use of them and remains unaware they are "powers" at all.
PS: You can read more about Noir [HERE]
Well, I have done it. I have thrown my son to the Shark-Dees! XD Shall we see how The Boy Who Always Dies does at the @kirbyoctournament ?
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valentjin · 1 year ago
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this is just what being friends with me is like unfortunately
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jaarijani · 10 months ago
The fact that Joost got disqualified yet we still don't fully know what the hell happened yet is super sketchy...
Also the fact that one of the most (if not the most) beloved songs this year got disqualified is a really, really bad move on EBU's part...
Everyone better be prepared for tonight...
it's ridiculously stupid they've already lost about 90% of dutch viewers with this move and I'm sure they'll lose many international viewers as well because Europapa was so popular. This whole scandal is so ridiculously hypocritical and it looks and feels like a total setup. It feels entirely manufactured both to turn our eyes away from the cruelty in Rafah and to boost Israel in the final results.
They won't tell us the full story because they know it's unfair and hypocritical, Joost does not deserve any of this and I am so so saddened to see him turned into a scapegoat at the event that he's worked towards for years and years.
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transformers-synergize · 9 months ago
Do U have any VA headcanons or are they just g1 VAs
I have headcanons for how all the characters would sound, their general speaking pattern, acsent, intonation, tone, ect, but I dont have a set voice actors in mind. some character speaking style is externally similar to their g1 while others are completely different, but most fall somewhere in the middle.
I also like keeping my options open. I'm an animator, and though I have no plans to fully animate synergize, I might do some lil animated things, so I'm keeping my mind open to anyone playing my version of these characters. Becuase if I ever try to do somthing with voice actors it gonna be whoever I can find. I don't got the connection or money to get industry people, I can tell you that much.
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strawberry-seal77 · 4 months ago
Strawberry i hope you know you got me to binge read kitakawa in one sitting and I had to sit and stare at a wall for an hour
YES!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 3 months ago
very very intrigued by the snippet
what's your esmp s1 superhero au like?
YAY thank you for asking!!
So, there's a lot going on in this AU and I'm kinda using this as a chance to do a master post, so I'm gonna throw everything under the cut. I'm also not gonna get into the full nitty gritty of the plot (HI, SPACE FROM THE FUTURE HERE, THIS WAS KIND OF A LIE), just because it is a lot but I will give you the broad strokes of how we cover the plot of Empires!
First things first, let's get to know our heroes/vigilantes/etc.!
The Wither Rose Alliance: A group of vigilantes who have all known each other since childhood.
Gem, code name Sorceress. Gem was born with powers kinda similar to a Green Lantern, where she can create light with a physicality to it. She channels this light through a staff (primarily for aesthetics) and uses it either as projectile weapons or shields the majority of the time, but can use it for whatever she wants. She also has wings by the time our story starts, which were built by Fwhip. Gem and Fwhip are siblings, but when Gem developed powers in her early teens she became terrified of being unable to control herself and drawing unwanted attention to her family or hurting them, so she ran away. She was taken in by ex-vigilante Aello (I'll explain them when we get to the plot) and has been in the business since she was about 16. Her and Fwhip reunited when they were adults and now vigilante together and with their childhood friends Sausage and Pearl. As of the time of the story, Gem is a student and also works at a local library.
Fwhip, code name the Mechanist. Fwhip does not have powers and instead makes his own wings and explosives to fight with. He initially got into the vigilante business because he knew that Sorceress was his sister and he needed a way to talk to her, but it turns out he's an adrenaline junkie and loves it. Fwhip is also a student and is a camp counselor at a summer camp as well (not like, the fun middle of the woods type summer camp, to be clear. One of those ones you find in the city where they bring you to local places for activities.)
Pearl, code name Valkyrie. Pearl has super strength and impenetrable skin. She was the last member of the WRA to get into vigilante-ing, partially because it took her a while to realize she had powers and not just like, particularly notable but still totally human abilities. And then it took Sausage almost getting himself killed one day for her to go "Oh god, these three need all the help they can get, don't they?" Turns out, she also loves it, because it's like the wrestling she does for fun but like... she's not gonna immediately win even she's already holding back because everyone she fights is still a normal person. She's getting opponents on her level here. Pearl works with local park services.
Sausage, code name Warlock. Sausage also does not have any powers. He uses a staff (that Fwhip made him) that basically imitates Gem's powers, meaning it's pretty much a funny looking laser gun. After finding out that Fwhip was a vigilante, Sausage convinced Fwhip to cut him in on the whole thing and they've been partners ever since. Sausage works at the same summer camp as Fwhip, I have yet to decide what he does the rest of the year.
The Codvengers: A rival group of vigilantes who are literally only rivals with the WRA cause the vibes were bad.
Jimmy, code name The Codfather. Jimmy has super strength (which he uses more defensively, unlike Pearl) and can breathe underwater (it's genetic). The Codfather Mask is a magic family heirloom type thing that magnifies Jimmy's powers. Without it on or near his person, he can't breathe underwater and his strength is significantly lesser. Jimmy and Lizzie's parents died when they were very young and they were separated through the foster system. Jimmy managed to hold onto his family heirloom, while Lizzie did not. He now works at the local public pool, which just so happens to be the one the summer camp Fwhip and Sausage work for take the kids to. They are nightmares to him in all facets of his life.
Lizzie, code name Ocean Queen. Lizzie's powers allow her to shapeshift into her full ocean queen form (10 feet tall, blue, gills, big tail, sharp nails, sharp teeth, armored scales). Without the Ocean Orb, her own magic family heirloom thing, Lizzie can still grow the claws, teeth, scales, and gills, but nothing else. She doesn't recover the orb until the story is already in motion, but that whole plotline happens a lot earlier than it does in canon (mostly because things pick up way too much in the middle and end for me to not have her at full power, though I haven't decided exactly when.) Lizzie is Jimmy's coworker at the aforementioned pool.
Joel, code name Militia. Joel can manifest clones of himself that work as a hivemind. These clones don't live for too long (not more than an hour) and disappear when killed, but they are strong and will die for him. Joel works at a local art gallery and he and Lizzie are together but probably not married in this AU.
Pix, code name Phantom. Pix has a life drain power, the more he drains from someone else, the stronger he gets. He can kill people with this power, but never does (except for the one time. We'll come back to that.) Pix is a graveyard keeper cause it's on the nose.
And then our miscellaneous "not on a team" crew!
Katherine, code name Empress. Katherine has healing powers as well as plant manipulation. She can move plants to make them do whatever she wants and grow them at extreme speeds. Katherine works at the Sunflower Café, a local haven for superheroes, vigilantes, and villains of all kinds where they all agree to not start swinging on each other (mostly cause they're all in civies). This also means Katherine has gleaned everyone's secret identities and just hasn't mentioned it to them. Katherine is technically a government sponsored hero, but she hangs out with vigilantes a bit too much for the government to be her biggest fans.
Shrub, code name Wolf Spirit. Shrub can talk to plants and animals and also has a pack of wolves who hang out with her all the time. Do NOT worry about how she hides them from her city landlord, I did not think about it that hard. Shrub is an investigative journalist who also volunteers at the local animal shelter. Shrub is a vigilante.
Joey, code name Alexandros (this is open to change, though, I'll be honest). Joey has the basic elemental powers (fire, earth, air, water) but can only utilize elements already around him. Admittedly, this is not that much of a drawback, it just means he doesn't get to show off the fire that often. Joey is a photographer and one of Shrub's coworkers. Joey is an anti-hero vigilante for a lot of the time, the rest of it he's a villain.
Scott, code name Fractal. Scott has ice powers. I don't know what you wanted me to say. I also gave Scott a coffee shop job (different one than Katherine though) mostly because I think the image of him as a kinda bitchy barista is fun. He's also the only government sponsored hero who is actually into the government thing.
Xornoth, code name the Demon (not very creative, I know, but whatever). Xornoth has the power to give people hallucinations and can manifest and control the corruption tentacles we see in canon.
The world of this AU is one where superheroes have existed for a long time. Our Emperors are the latest generation, and the last generation (made up of some OC characters, one of whom I mentioned above, who are here cause I really like them) shows up periodically. Notably, Aello (real name Pi, they/them, mostly human but has wings, ex-vigilante/villain), Refuge (real name Thorn, he/they/she, can make shields and punch good, one of the two owners of the Sunflower Café, ex-hero), and Snapdragon (real name Meringue, any pronouns, plant manipulation, ex-vigilante, other owner of the Sunflower Café and Thorn's spouse). Before them, however, there was a slightly older generation that featured Alinar and Cohnal. Alinar was a hero, Cohnal was a villain, both sponsored (and DNA manipulated to get their powers) by Aeor and Exor respectively.
Aeor and Exor used to run the aforementioned superhero division of the government together, but they eventually got into a massive blowup argument about their methods and morals that resulted in Exor splitting off to do his own thing, which was pretty much exactly what they were doing before but Illegal this time and less bogged down by rules. Exor began experimenting on normal humans to see if he could create an artificial superhero, thus creating Cohnal. This had been what the argument had been about, and Aeor's objections were a lot less moral and a lot more "there are rules about this", so when push comes to shove, Aeor's willing to use his government funds to do the same thing and create Alinar to fight fire with fire.
The experiments that gave Alinar and Cohnal their powers were... unstable, at best, and eventually killed the both of them. This was just the first trial, however, and as you might've guessed, Scott and Xornoth are our latest test tube babies. They were both volunteered for Exor's experiments as children and Aeor, upon finding out about this, said "I'm not letting my shit brother have two whole new lab rats" and grabbed Scott for himself. Scott spent the majority of his young life in a lab and has yet to figure out that his childhood was abnormal (this wasn't originally meant to be a metaphor for being raised in a cult but my friend who has given significant input (AND ART WHICH WILL BE AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST IF YOU'D LIKE A REWARD) for this AU has brought up the similarities enough that, well, yeah). Scott's only been a "normal" person and part of normal society for like, the last two years. Xornoth has never been apart of normal society and still lives in Exor's lab cause it's a lot harder to make your experiment child a fake identity if you yourself are wanted by the government.
By the time this story starts, Xornoth's done a lot of pretty fucked up shit. Notably, he's killed Shrub's parents because Shrub (who was still living with her parents at the time) was getting a bit too close to whistle blowing on Exor's work and she needed to be... taken care of. This near death experience is how Shrub unlocked her powers and what got her to move into the ambiguous city where the story takes place. Joey's also a new arrival in town, but that's for like, normal reasons.
Other notable events in the plot of empires! I'm gonna try and run through these ones as quick as possible (meaning no nice transitions) because this post is already a lot!
The Dragon: The Dragon is one of Exor's other experiments gone wildly wrong. The Dragon used to be a woman named Marigold who worked for Exor. She was suckered into participating in one of his experiments, but whatever "science" was done to give her powers had some very bad side effects. Marigold's powers are crazy powerful (dragon's breath, huge wings, some sort of magic storm that surrounds her person at all time) and she cannot control them. She's also not really in her right mind. Exor has kept her captive in his lab for a while but by the time the story starts, she's starting to become more of a liability than she's worth. Marigold also has a child named Violet who's being cared for in the lab because she's kinda a loose end, but Violet does not have powers (yet) and is not being experimented on.
Sausage and Joey Go Evil: Exor sees promise in these new vigilantes and heroes that Xornoth's been fighting ever since tracking Shrub to the city and has asked Xornoth to try and recruit some of them to their "cause". Not Fractal, though. Don't worry about why not Fractal, Xornoth. It's not important. Joey is suckered into this in the exact way that he is in canon. To be clear, Xornoth is not into him, but he's willing to lead him on a little bit at the start to get Joey to volunteer for the experiments to give him stronger and new powers (upon going through these experiments, Joey's powers become stronger and he also is able to control and create the corruption tentacles. Joey also changes his name after going fully villain, but this is the only name I have yet to come up with). Sausage is suckered in because he is wildly jealous of his friends who were born with powers and the promise of developing some of his own, rather than having to rely on Fwhip's creations and Gem and Pearl's support in fight. Sausage does not change his code name when he goes evil.
Scott and Xornoth Find Out They're Brothers: By the time this story starts, Xornoth has already begun to be suspicious of Exor and the lab and has been looking into what the fuck they did to him, where he came from, all that. When The Demon starts to cause problems for the vigilante/hero scene of the Ambiguous City, Gem, Katherine, and Scott start working together to investigate the guy's origins and all the things. With Shrub's intel, the three break into Exor's lab and manage to collect some records before getting chased out. Xornoth is suspiciously bad at his job when the three are caught, but that's probably nothing, right? (Xornoth knows Fractal is his brother but is still pretty deep in the brainwashing)
The Codfather Head: One day in the midst of their work rivalry, Fwhip and Sausage break into Jimmy's locker to mess with him somehow (they haven't thought that far ahead) and find the Codfather Mask in his bag. At first, they think he's a superfan or something, but upon further inspection, this thing is definitely real. They have no idea why Jimmy would have this, but Fwhip decides they should steal it. Upon finding out that the mask is missing, Jimmy freaks for obvious reasons. A few days later, Fwhip encounters the other three Codvengers, lacking a notable fourth member, and doesn't restrain from teasing and implying that he knows what happened to the mask. They get into a huge argument and Fwhip agrees to drop the Codfather Mask off in, like, a random abandoned parking lot after getting some sense talked into him about the situation.
The Dragon Fight: Around the same time, Exor decides that Marigold is taking up too many resources and decides he needs to be rid of her. Exor tells Xornoth, Joey, and Sausage that if they can kill her, the resources being used on her can start being redirected towards them, and Xornoth isn't wildly down (but isn't not down either) and Sausage and Joey are both up for it too. They try, but they fail, and Marigold gets an idea of what the situation is and breaks out of the lab, taking Violet with her. The Dragon, as the media starts calling her, is drawn to the presence of powerful magic items, which is a surprise tool that will help us in a few sentences. The local heroes and vigilantes quickly split into two camps: "we need to kill/incapacitate her because she is hurting people" (the Codvengers) and "we need to help her because she's clearly not in her right mind" (pretty much everyone else). Anyways, Fwhip leaves the Codfather Mask where he said he would, but he and the remaining WRA members decide to keep watch over it, because they don't really want it falling into the hands of some random civilian. Problem: The Dragon gets there first. This leads to a huge fight and well... you've watched Empires, you know how this fight goes. This also happens to be the only time Pix has used his life drain powers to fully kill someone, and this messes with him for a while (because he also absorbs a ton of Marigold's memories when she dies, and that's not great for the guy's mental state). In the wake of the fight, Gem finds Violet where she was hidden by Marigold when the fighting broke out and... panics. She panics harder when she tries to approach and Violet sends a magic bolt at her in her fear (Gem eventually calms her down but UH OH). Gem decides to take the kid in because she doesn't really know what else to do, but this also gets a target on her back.
Sausage Goes Good Again: Exor learns Gem has Violet and that Violet has powers and decides that he should probably deal with that. He tells Sausage that he needs to go take Violet back from Gem at any cost, heavily implying Gem needs to be killed. And look, Sausage has been willing to do a lot at this point, but this (combined with the events of the Dragon Fight making him reconsider his role in the whole thing) is too far. So, Sausage decides to do something drastic. He does break into Gem's apartment, as asked, but upon getting in there and getting into a fight with her, he communicates to her the general idea of "I do not want to do this and I need you to help me fake my death" through a lot of coded talk (because he's being bugged) and cocky "The only way to stop me is to kill me" boasting. Gem takes the hint and blasts him in the chest with her powers, simultaneously breaking the bug and stopping his heart briefly. It's fine, she manages to revive him (again with her powers, don't worry about how she makes them into a defibrillator). Gem panics and calls Katherine, because Katherine made a few too many jokes about knowing where to hide a body and Gem is wondering if she might know where to hide a live person. Great news, she does! Her bosses, Thorn and Meringue, are willing to house him in the apartment above the café. This safe house will come back later. After Exor is off Sausage's back (not because he's gone but because he has other, bigger problems now, which we're about to get to), Sausage returns to vigilante work under a new name, Scepter. He also stops utilizing the corruption tentacles that the experiments gave him because 1. it causes him pain to do so and 2. well, it's got bad vibes. He does, however, keep using the enhanced ability-to-withstand-a-hit (a power I know has a better name than that but I can't think of it) to make him into a bit of a tank to protect his friends.
Xornoth Gets Crystalized and Scott's Magic Goes Haywire: Okay, this plot line is like, wildly different than in canon. But basically, after everything calms the fuck down slightly, Gem, Katherine, and Scott find out the truth of what happened to Alinar and Cohnal and draw some reasonable conclusions about Scott and Xornoth. The three decide to straight up kidnap Xornoth to get him free from Exor's control. Good news, they don't really need to kidnap him, because he'd also decided to split around the same time. Xornoth also gets moved into the safe house above the Sunflower Café and man the dynamic up there must be fun. Not long after Xornoth is separated from Exor's lab, however, his powers start to go haywire and he starts to get extremely sick. After a lot of conversations about how insane Scott and Xornoth's childhoods were, they figure out that Scott and Xornoth have both been getting regularly given some sort of serum to keep their powers and their bodies stable for their entire lives, hence Xornoth's Bad Time. Thorn and Meringue contact an old friend to help reverse engineer the stuff, which stops Xornoth from being extremely sick but his powers are still hard to control. Scott also decides to split from Aeor at this point (which means he is ALSO in the safe house. This is around the point where Sausage moves out but again THE DYNAMIC IS CRAZY) and starts using the same serum to keep himself from keeling over, and Gem decides to try to help Scott get greater control over his powers. This is how the drabble from earlier happens! Gem manages to recover enough that she doesn't tell anyone about it for about a week but then she collapses for no real reason in Fwhip's apartment and he and Sausage make her tell them what happened. Gem goes to Katherine to get healed and once Scott emerges from the hole he's hiding in, Fwhip and Sausage beat him up in an alley for a bit until they feel better.
The Rapture: This is also a very different plot line than in canon, mostly because I don't want to decimate this city full of civilians. Basically, all of our heroes are together now (Joey going good again happened at some point but I haven't thought about that plot line too in depth) and are trying to expose Aeor and Exor to the public and also destroy all the tech and science they've been creating. There is a problem, however: Scott and Xornoth have been rogue for long enough that both Aeor and Exor have resorted to trying to modify themselves (because they know people are going to come for them eventually) and are now on par with The Dragon in terms of power, so this is now a big fight and a really bad one. In the fall out, Xornoth, Scott, Joey and Pearl (and maybe Lizzie? Undecided) are all particularly fucked up (like, they have to step away from being a hero entirely because Aeor or Exor gave them permanent breathing problems or chronic pain or whatever) whereas the rest of the crew still does the superhero stuff but not all of them stay for a long time (I think most of the Codvengers step away permanently not too long after) and it’s not like new supers aren’t being born everyday to take up the mantle, they’re not leaving everyone abandoned or anything. Hey, maybe Violet will become her own hero once she's not, like, 7!
OKAY WOW THAT WAS A LOT! Anyways, I promised you a few of my friend @pixlostinatos 's doodles for this AU if you stuck it out this long, so here they are!
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Scott and Xornoth after getting out of their respective lab cults. Xornoth goes full goth and Scott dresses like a prep school boy who's never had to dress for himself before cause he's been wearing a uniform his whole life.
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Thorn and Sausage talk about the whole "turning evil" thing once Sausage starts living above their place of business.
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A 14-ish year old Gem talking to Pi and small doodles of gem and Fwhip in their civies.
Space from even further in the future here, I have more doodles from my buddy in these posts! Look!
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ssreeder · 4 months ago
Hi so I'm probably going to reread liab soon and like catch up bc the last thing I remember reading I think they were in BSS and they've probably moved on from there now like I think it's probably been like a year since I've read it I think I remember trying to reread at some point but then I stopped so trust I'll properly do it this time probably maybe but anyway the point is it occurred to me I haven't talked to you in ages so how have you been my beautiful Sreedy?? I miss annoying you and sending you mysterious anon emojis but honestly I like to think I've matured a bit since I used to do that I mean max will probably tell you otherwise but don't listen to her her opinion is irrelevant also don't listen to anything Merlin says ever bc we met in person and they're actually just a little bitch so yeah um ily im going to start liab now and if not now soon and I might put updates in the discord if im feeling it but also im looking forward to finding my old embarrassing comments I used to leave on every chapter so theres that
I wholeheartedly agree about M&M (Merlin & Max) and the fact you traveled all the way to visit Merlin is IMPRESSIVE but now you both need to come visit Max and then roadtrip down to Florida. Mmmkay? & funny story is the boys are STILL in BSS haha. The fic will end in BSS(ish) - so we’re still there preparing for battle haha. I also slowed down quite a bit with updating & spent a lot of time giving the boys some healing and getting through some conversations & building up situation-ships but now would be a good time to catch up considering we’re about the battle it out! Yippieeee
as always spy you’re amazing <333333 you three stay out of trouble haha
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thecolourpurple123 · 8 months ago
Fourier Lugunica ramble (with excerpts from Ex 1)
Fourier is, much like all the members of the Lugunican royal family, somewhat airheaded but charming in nature. The Lugunican royals are all genuine and good people, but not particularly skilled stewards―which is pretty much the exact description the LN uses across all the side content I've read recently including Ex 1, 2, and 3.
In his normal state, he's prone to being incredibly impulsive and needy. He rolls up to the Karsten estate at random to bother them with whatever he's fixated on at any given moment and is very good-natured about the teasing he is subject to―not being particularly aware of the depths of Ferris's wit, but always rolling with whatever punches he does see. Fourier's obviously a bit pampered considering how he whines about the cold to the degree that he never goes anywhere without his fancy red coat, but he's not totally adverse to hardship or pain seeing how readily and regularly he challenges Crusch to duels for years of their youth despite never really standing a chance.
Generally, he does not concern himself with his own status, and readily waves it off in pursuit of whatever he's fixated on because he's just that kinda silly goofy guy. At the same time though, he's keenly aware of his status as the fourth prince, and while he does know the kind of effect he can have on people―as seen in how he stalls for time when Crusch is fighting the rabbits by distracting the people at her party with improvised songs and sword demonstrations―Fourier is not one to care for the fact that he's royalty in any ambitious or grand sense. However, as seen in Ferris's unusual appointment as a royal knight, he does know when it can be used to get what he wants/thinks is right and necessary.
Further, Fourier is very much one for bravado and putting on a brave face. He wants to be strong and look cool, especially for Crusch, and in all matters Fourier is one to throw himself headfirst into situations with a high degree of overconfidence. It's actually noted as being part of his charm, the fact that he so readily pretends that he's better than he is and is princely, while also not really caring for being seen as princely and competent, which ends up making those times where he's princely and competent all the more impactful to the people he interacts with.
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(here we see Fourier and Ferris discussing after the duel with Crusch to make her wear a dress, for a more relaxed example of Fourier being both overconfident and not caring for how he appears which Ferris takes advantage of to tease him)
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(this one is of Crusch talking to Fourier about Ferris's family history that he pretends to already know about and lies to Crusch about blatantly to save face, only to prove himself unknowingly in her eyes in the next breath)
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(and this one is Julius talking to him later in Ex 1 for a more serious example of how Fourier views other's views of him)
Ultimately, Fourier is a bit of a walking contradiction. He's oh! so jolly yet still respectable and competent when the need arises. He doesn't care for status yet walks around with overconfidence. He's keenly aware of social dynamics at times when it counts, yet often blunders his way through conversations in a way that's disarmingly absent-minded.
It's a contradiction explained by the fact that Fourier is one of a rare few of his family to be a "master of the blood" as Miklotov puts it, or the Lion King's Blessing as the fandom has come to call it. He's able to just… intuit things, a lot of the time. He knows what moves to play to win at games, knows answers to obscure questions his tutor asks without knowing why, is able to only ever show up to the Karsten estate when Crusch and Ferris aren't too busy to see and hang out with him, and of course is able to coordinate several royal knights to rescue Crusch from Ferris's dad while also setting Reinhard as insurance for stopping Miles (a spy he doesn't know exists, just has a hunch exists based on pretty much no evidence at all) from escaping back to Vollachia all without ever knowing the full scope of his own machinations.
I think the most iconic moment of Fourier is this:
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In one move, Fourier pushes Crusch to accept her dual roles of being a Lady and being the martial heir to house Karsten, thrusts Ferris into knightship in a way that doesn't leave him insecure or gives him any room for doubt, and saves Crusch's dad's life from the rabbits―only to after Crusch and Ferris leave, tell a servant Crusch tied up that he has no idea what's going on and that they should probably figure that out.
Fourier is effortlessly foundational to Crusch and Ferris's entire worldviews, and he doesn't even know how or why he just follows his instincts and garners their total respect and admiration. He's humble in an unspoken way that leaves his dramatic overconfidence as endearing instead of irritating. He's a royal with once in a generation blood, yet all he cares for is to see the buds in the garden that are those he holds dear in his life bloom into their own.
The only time he ever really cares for his station, is because Crusch is a little obsessed with the legacy of the Lion King, and Fourier wants that attention on himself (all the while not knowing that he already has it). He makes giving his everything feel like nothing yet still everything―which is all the more tragic, all the more foundational for Crusch going forward, because that very essence of Fourier is exemplified in his death where his very memory is but a footnote in a wider chapter of the nation's history. Everything to Crusch and Ferris, but nothing to a nation in mourning.
This is why, after finishing Ex 1, I have gained an appreciation for Crusch who I'd thought as a very boring character having only experienced her presence in the main series. For years now, I've always looked down upon that short-sighted selfish goal of hers to break the covenant with the dragon, just because she can't get over Fourier's death. But it's deeply understandable if you come to know Fourier, and see it from Crusch's perspective.
Crusch started with this chip on her shoulder regarding needing to be worthy of inheriting this mantle of the lion, and then by the end of the novel she inherits this impossible dream of Fourier's too―where he pictures this future together with Ferris and Crusch as he dies in her arms, not even able to finish telling her that he loves her before he goes.
Fourier was her Lion King, he always was, and in his absence, given this singular opportunity through her candidacy and in the context of the seemingly callous attitude of the Sage Council and the gathered nobles… to me, it just feels so earned that she would despise the Dragon, whose mere promise of protection overshadows the deaths of so many royals who were amazing in their own rights. Ultimately, Crusch's ire does come from misplaced grief, but it's one I can't help but respect now. The path Ferris and Crusch walk is not one that is kind to either of them, but it is one that is quite fitting. One that is lonely by necessity, because even though Fourier told Ferris to rely on his friend Julius, he was unable to finish telling Crusch his full feelings for her, leaving Crusch with an impossible dream and shoes she can't fill even with Ferris at her side.
So basically, all of this is to say that my favorite ferret man Ferrier Lugunica haunts the narrative and after reading Ex 1 he lives in my head as rent free as he does in Crusch and Ferris's.
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silkjade · 22 days ago
so we know you’ve thought about Alhaitham taking you in front of a mirror…..have you thought about Phainon doing so yet? i cant help but wonder if he’d have you spread in his lap with your thighs over his and his fingers knuckle deep inside you, while his other hand explores your bare body. The praises he’d coo into your ear while your hips buck at the way he curls his fingers and the heel of his palm
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i had to read this with a hand clamped over my mouth because what !!!!! the fuck !!!! "so we know you’ve thought about Alhaitham taking you in front of a mirror" DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO CALL ME OUT IN HALF A SENTENCE AND THEN ALSO TAKE A SNIPER ACCURATE SHOT IN THE SECOND HALF. but to answer your question... NO I HAVE NOT.....UNTIL NOW ?!?!?!? because everyone knows i only think lovely pure holy thoughts 😇 so i have definitely never entertained the idea of ... mirror sex 🫣😞 ... with phainon and how he'd be sweet n encouraging n perhaps gently guide my head back when i turn away n WHY DID YOU HAVE TO ADD THE SECOND PART SOBZZZ "his chin locked over your shoulder" WHY DID YOU SAY THAT ???????? ADSKJFLA;KS SOBSOB tmi ? but i'm literally super sensitive there i'm going to COMBUST !!!! only a pile of ashes left for him to sweep into a dustpan... IDK ik i sound egotistical sometimes when i talk about myself but the idea of ACTUALLY being complimented & praised like…that… (and by phainon SPECIFICALLY) sends me into a frenzy like i'm so embarrassed don't SAY THAT. ESPECIALLY NOW ?! AND IN FRONT OF A MIRROR ?! ASKLDJF429W0FJ
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